Shelly 2.5 and 1PM safety concerns

Hey, so I’ve recently bought the shelly 1PM and 2.5 to install in my house behind the switches. I live in Australia and have checked that these products are Australian certified. I got a licenced electrician to install it but he wouldn’t install it the way that it’s designed. In the original design, the shelly device has constant power supply 24/7 and the switches then connect to the SW1/SW2 ports and the output to the O1/O2 ports. He’s not doing this because he’s worried that in the chance that something goes wrong with the shelly device (possible a short circuit or something alike), he wants to be able to stop the power supply to the shelly. So now, he’s got one switch going to SW1 and the power supply for the shelly while the other to SW2. This means that I can’t control the output from Switch 2 until switch 1 is turned on.

Does anyone know the safety measures that the shelly devices have taken and if giving a continuous power supply is fine. If not, is there any other way to make the switches work while also keeping the shelly device safe?

That’s what the circuit breakers / fuses in your switchboard are for. Get a better electrician. This one does not seem to know the wiring code.


Your electrician sucks. Find another guy.

Sorry, but that’s pretty stupid thinking… for instance, you have your oven, air condition….constantly on power, right? What is something is wrong there - do you have a switch to cur power to your A/C or stove?
In cars certain things are constantly connected to 12V. What if something goes wrong? With thinking like that all cars should have a “master switch”…
Like guys already said: this guy shouldn’t have a licence… get a better electrician.

Yes actually. Electric stove isolating switches are mandatory in the UK and Australian wiring codes, probably more wiring codes too.

huh…that’s interesting… it’s not so here…

My car has a master switch. It’s called the switch. I operate it using a “key”. Although it does not cut power to the cigarette lighter.

…and a bunch of other things, too… (like master electronics etc…)

My car doesn’t have master electronics (sadly? happily?)


If you know, you know.