Shelly Add-on not showing up in Shelly Plus1 web interface

I know this is more of an Shelly problem than HA but I’m at the same time trying to set it up to my HA. I have half a dozen Shellys up and running, doing automation and lights. But now I got my first Add-on, connected it to a Shelly Plus1 but there is no “Add-on” menu in the web interface. Also Home Assistant doesn’t see any add-ons? All the pictures online only shows Shelly Plus 1PM that has a different web interface. Attached picture from my web interface. Tried to use beta firmware also but doesn’t change.

Actually never mind. I did the update from the 0.09 firmware to 0.14, it said it was running 0.14. I tried to reboot in the web but didn’t change, said it was firmware 0.14 but looked the same. So I turned off the power to the shelly and turned it back on and now my menu changed, now I have a Add-on menu.