Shelly Duo light bulb...temperature (colour) control

I’m playing around with a Shelly Duo and can’t figure out how to change the temperature/colour of the bulb. I see it on the “Device” page, but there appears to be no Entity for the control, although Brightness shows as a “Feature”

Am I missing something? (The color can be controlled from the location above, as well as from the Shelly App, which I don’t use, or want to use…)


I had a similar problem with a Shelly rgbw module.
I think you must use the light.turn_on function to control your color temperature.

I have used it from knx event, but i think you can use it in other way to.

Here the link to my post.
Contro shelly rgbw overknx

Maybe it could help you by your problem.

Thanks @WolleWtal … I think that may be well beyond my abilities! (I’m no coder…just an accountant and techie…)

Then describe what exactly you intend to do. From where do you want to access the color and the brightness?

@WolleWtal Thanks - OK - I’ll see if I can explain…I started by using button-card, moved to the mushroom-light-card and while I can get something that looks sort of like the above, they’re all kind of big and ugly. The mushroom card has an option for the temperature color control, but …it’s backwards (ie “daylight” (5000K) on the left and “soft yellow” (~2500K) on the right). Something like this:

I guess part of me doesn’t understand how the Duo can be controlled that way, when there is no entity apparently associated with its color. (This may be beyond my ability to understand in detail, but I’m OK with a conceptual understanding.)

Then, using card-mod, I’d like to change the coloration, but that also seems to be problematic for me. I can do it on some simple cards.

Alternatively, I’d like to add a slider to the light card, but with no entity to control I see no way of doing so.

Am I way off base here?

I think I’ve found a pretty useful solution in the custom:slider-entity-row Card. While it’s not perfect, it’s adaptable (for me!) and seems to do generally what I’m looking for. Don’t really understand how that works, but it seems to…

One of these days I’ll find a useful tutorial or two on YAML, entity config and the like and see if I can teach myself what you all seem to know!! (Nonetheless…it’s great for those of you who DO know to share and let me…um…“borrow”…your solutions!)

Here for understanding.

Color temperature and brightness are not separate entities. They are attributes of the light entity.

If you want to address them separately, you have to use the light.turn_on function. The attributes for brightness and color temperature must then also be transferred. I have broken down how this works in my post, which I already linked to you.

Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how to do this via visualization in Homeassistant. I don’t use them, but only use Homeassistant as a gateway between my KNX visualization and various other components that are supported by Homeassistant.

Ah - OK…that makes the connection clear!! Thank you. I see that in the card that I’m using and now that explains why the attribute works the way it does. Much appreciated!