I’m very new to Home Assistant and Shelly devices. There seems to be several different strategies to implement Home Automation. I’ve chosen to use Home Assistant on a Raspberry PI, Node Red and MQTT.
I have gotten some of my gear working. I have a functioning door/window switch and some shelly plugs working in Node Red. I’m having trouble getting my Shelly Motion sensor to work. I’ve updated it’s firmware version to: 20210226-072307/v1.1.0@f31e1d2b. I’ve gotten the wifi on the same subnet with a static IP and I’ve set the MQTT settings the same as I have don on the working devices.
My Mosquito error logs give this same message over and over again. is the IP of my motion sensor. What is this socket error? Thanks!
618547135: New connection from on port 1883.
1618547136: Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting.
1618547138: New connection from on port 1883.
1618547138: Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting.