Shelly Wiring with Latching Relay

Does anybody know how to wire and configure a Shelly v1 with a latching relay? I have outdoor lights that use latching relays so they they can be easily turned on and off from two different buildings. I want to get one of them on a smart switch while maintaining the latching relay. The wiring has me a bit confused, or perhaps it is the Shelly settings. I basically have a live into the switch that seems to go to a neutral, and the switch is a spring-loaded button that is pressed and returns. I tried wiring a Shelly v1 without the switch option and just L, N, I, O. I thought it was working, but could not get the settings right and ultimate, I think it fried the Shelly.

I am guessing there were all kinds of issues with what I did. Thoughts? Here is the type of breaker to which I refer.

Hire an electrician.

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I have these, automated them with a Sonoff CH4 Pro. You have to configure your Shelly that it send a short puls to toggle the relay. I don’t know if it is possible with standard Shelly, you might need to flash it to Tasmota.

Did you wire it between the relay and the light or between the switch and the relay? Shelly can be triggered to momentary with automatic shutoff set as well (say 0.5 sec), so it should work. Question is where to wire it?

in parallel with the switch.

That was my first thought as well, but will the Shelly be aware of the status of the light then? I mean if I use one of the switches instead of Shelly, will Shelly know it is on? In, in parallel I assume you mean you just did not wire the SW then?

I wired both the switches, and the sonoff as if it was an extra switch. And no, the Shelly will not know the light is on or off, it is just used to toggle the relay. To detect if the lights are on or off, I used a sonoff basic in parallel with the lights. Sonoff basic unavailable=lights are off, Sonoff basic on = lights are on.

Okay, thank you. That makes sense.

I have same problem to solve. Did you manage to make it work with Shelly and Home Assistant?

How can the above work? Is this via a script in HA? For example"

  • turn-on shelly switch
  • delay
  • turn-off switch


Yes, there are multiple solutions that will work. I, ultimately, cannot recall how I rant it.

You can run it AFTER the latching relay and just had it set as a normal toggle switch. I feel like I may have settled on this and then wired it to illuminate the light switches still. Sorry, been a while now.

You could otherwise replace the relay with the shelly, which is easy enough when you figure out what wires are connected where. I may do this with the Shelly 4 Pro as I have 7 latching relays for exterior lighting.

Or you could also wire the shelly with the auto shutoff. This can be done in the Shelly app or via an automation. I believe the automation is the best option, but I am not 100% sure on this. I just installed a shelly v1 for a gate opener (which works with 0.5 second auto shutoff), but have not added it to HA yet. I will soon.

Thanks for the response.

I’d like to maintain the use of the latching relays. I won’t have the state of the light available, but I use other way to get it.

So I’m interested in you latter option. The state is not a problem, I get it via other means.
I wasn’t aware of the Timers / AUTO OFF configuration in the shelly GUI, just saw it, there is no need for flashing!

So I’ll go with it. Thanks!