since some sort of update my energy dashboard got 2 days of missing stats so i just wanted to try another approach.
On 24th i updated my Shelly devices and HA (2022.8.6 and now i’m on 2022.8.7). Since then i did not get any stats on my energy dashboard. The current consumption was still working but not the total consumption (on the other side, the 3rd party SHASS got broken a little somehow, reinstalling and readding the device worked, did it only for one device yet).
My question is, how can i get the same sensor for total consumption by using the current consumption of one device. There is some built in function for that (as far as i know). Since i started using HA (a few weeks ago) the whole stats for it are there. Maybe someone can guide me through or give me an example of his setup.
Nice greetz and thanks in advance
(Sry if it’s not properly written, my native language isn’t english )