Show guests in group card (Group conditions?)

Trying to figure out a way to do this, Basically I have a group called guests that I want all of the people that visit my house to be put into besides my wife and I.
Example, my sister comes over to watch my kids and she would be put into the Guest group.
I have my sister in my known_devices file, and I can manually put her in the Guest group, but I would like for her to ONLY show in the guest group if she is actually over at my house, instead of it saying that she is away.
Hope this makes sense…anyone know of a way to accomplish this?

Bonus points… if there is a way to set up the Guest group to funnel any person connected to my network in and out with out me having actually add them, please let me know.


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Have you tried setting hide_if_away to true, instead of the default of false?

lol, I completely forgot about that option. Thanks.

I do still wonder if there is a way to add conditions to groups though. I have template sensors set up for each regular person that enters my house. Basically so I can use multiple presence detection sources for each person. These sensors are in a “In House” group and I would love the ability to have “Guest” in my group when any guest is in the house, but not there when they are not.

Then to see which guests are in my house, I would look to the separate “Guests” group.