Signal problems with end device (Hue wall switch module)

I got severe signal problems with a light switch in my stairwell. I’m almost exclusively using Philips Hue ZigBee products with ZHA, my SkyConnect coordinator is located in the mid level of my house (first floor).

I’m trying to build a connection from my coordinator to my house door where the last switch of my stairwell is located. Right above it is a Hue bulb that should function as a router. But somehow the connection of my switch is still bad. Bulb switches off and on with no problem using other switches while my house door switch is creating events maybe every 4th or 5th time of pushing the button. I really don’t know how I can improve the signal quality, I thought I had figured it out by adding two light bulbs (first floor, base floor) but it didn’t do the trick.

It was nearly the same with Hue bridge, so it’s not essentially HA’s / ZHA’s fault. What can I do, any ideas? I tried binding the switch to the light bulb above in the device’s configuration but no changes.

Are all your bulbs receiving mains power? If any get manually switched off accidentally that might stop the last switch connecting - other switches might be able to establish alternative routes to the coordinator.

I’m thinking of moving my Hue devices to SkyConnect - how did that go for you? I have quite a lot of motion sensors which I use for temperature and light level monitoring as well. Is that still going to work?

I’m not using any switches for power supply anymore. Power is connected constantly, so with a normal (non-smart) light bulb it would mean that it would always be on. I got that problem out of the way very early on. So all my bulbs are smart.

Regarding SkyConnect: It’s working very well so far, I didn’t experience delays or devices going offline etc., I can only speak from ~1 week experience. My sensors are working well, I got 4 Hue motion sensors in my stairwell, even farther away from that switch I mentioned. And I just tested, even the farthest sensor detects motion, reports lux and temperature.

So before I try another product and replace my Hue wall switch I want to make absolutely sure I tried everything else. Oh I forgot, I also reconfigured it in ZHA. For whatever reason I think it’s not taking the shortest way throgh the bulb next to it.

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I (think I) made a zigbee “repeater backbone” by having my hallway and landing lights use Hue bulbs such that all my rooms are near at least one repeater (and then blocking the wall switches so they cannot be turned off).

The first part is also what I did. One bulb after the other until I reach that switch. So logically it should be no problem. And as I said none of my wall switches can turn the power off.

Good to know, thank you. I think I’m going to bite the bullet. :roll_eyes:

Edit: I think I read somewhere that low battery level can cause connection problems?

I keep my Hue battery levels above 30% (i.e. I change them at 30%) and haven’t had issues.

Possible explanation. I already replaced this switch with another one that worked well before. Battery level is (according to HA) 40%. I read that cold temperatures can drain the battery faster. This switch is on the inside of an outer wall of my house, it’s at 19 deg celsius right now.

Still I’m not fully convinced that this is the problem. I was considering buying a Senic Friends of Hue switch with no battery and see if that works any better. Comes at a high price point though and I fear that it might end up with the same connection problem.