I still new to these automatons but im getting there…
What im looking to do is when the wife arrives home, if i have a “reminder” switch turned on to turn on a lamp… The rule does not seem to trigger so i am getting something wrong… the device tracking is done via icloud and that does know when we are home or not.
alias: Reminder Automation Test
platform: zone
entity_id: device_tracker.laurasiphone
zone: zone.home
Event is either enter or leave
event: enter
platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.home_reminder
state: on
service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.lamp_switch
Suppose you are using the friendly name (device_tracker.laurasiphone).
I had in the past issues with the friendly name.
Try it using the “unfriendly” name from known_devices.