Simple Shell Script to Manage HA

People may or may not find this useful, but I put together a shell script that I use to manage my Home Assistant from any of my Macs (or any POSIX OS with BASH).

I built it for my personal use, but essentially you would just need to set the Variables to your settings and setup shared SSH keys (if desired).


  • All HA configs are stored locally within Dropbox (doesn’t have to be but I like the versioning and access to it from any machine).
  • Edit locally with Text Editor (Currently using Atom).
  • When I select the deploy HA configs option it creates a tar file of the current configs and moves it to my local machine in a backup folder (in Dropbox). That way I always have a backup before it pushes out any changes.
  • Syncs updated files
  • Verifies config


hauser=“USER_ACCOUNT” <-- Home Assistant User Account
habin="/usr/local/bin/hass" <-- Home Assistant Binary
haconfigdir="/home/USER/.homeassistant" <-- Home Assistant Config Directory
hahost=“HOSTNAME/IP” <-- Home Assistant Hostname or IP address
localuser=“USER_ACCOUNT” <-- Local Computer Username, account from where this shell script will run
localhost=“HOSTNAME/IP” <-- Local Computer Hostname or IP address
localpath=“PATH_TO_LOCAL_HA_CONFIGS” <-- Where I store my local HA configs and backups

Within the local folder, variable localpath="PATH_TO_LOCAL_HA_CONFIGS", I have two folders:

Config: All of the .yaml files for Home Assistant
Backup: Place for backup tar files

It has a few other options that will stop, start, restart, etc. These assume that you are using systemd, but could be modified as needed.

Nothing fancy but it does the job.


Nice work and nice of you to share it. Thanks!

Best line of your script :grinning:.

echo "Invalid Option Stupid"

Thanks for sharing! :+1: