People may or may not find this useful, but I put together a shell script that I use to manage my Home Assistant from any of my Macs (or any POSIX OS with BASH).
I built it for my personal use, but essentially you would just need to set the Variables to your settings and setup shared SSH keys (if desired).
- All HA configs are stored locally within Dropbox (doesn’t have to be but I like the versioning and access to it from any machine).
- Edit locally with Text Editor (Currently using Atom).
- When I select the deploy HA configs option it creates a tar file of the current configs and moves it to my local machine in a backup folder (in Dropbox). That way I always have a backup before it pushes out any changes.
- Syncs updated files
- Verifies config
hauser=“USER_ACCOUNT” <-- Home Assistant User Account
habin="/usr/local/bin/hass" <-- Home Assistant Binary
haconfigdir="/home/USER/.homeassistant" <-- Home Assistant Config Directory
hahost=“HOSTNAME/IP” <-- Home Assistant Hostname or IP address
localuser=“USER_ACCOUNT” <-- Local Computer Username, account from where this shell script will run
localhost=“HOSTNAME/IP” <-- Local Computer Hostname or IP address
localpath=“PATH_TO_LOCAL_HA_CONFIGS” <-- Where I store my local HA configs and backups
Within the local folder, variable localpath="PATH_TO_LOCAL_HA_CONFIGS"
, I have two folders:
Config: All of the .yaml files for Home Assistant
Backup: Place for backup tar files
It has a few other options that will stop, start, restart, etc. These assume that you are using systemd, but could be modified as needed.
Nothing fancy but it does the job.