Simplest audio player for HA?

Hello. I have read few topics here about playing audio and they are quite complex. I have active speaker connected to ubuntu box and I would like to run some audio daemon on it so I can send speech from HA to it. It works fine with KODI, but it is really an overkill and not too reliable.

What would be to simplest debian app to receive speech from HA like this one? But with lightweight app, not kodi…

service: tts.google_translate_say
  message: My name is hanna
  entity_id: media_player.libreelec

Proably MPD…

“MPD is designed around a client/server architecture, where the clients and server (MPD is the server) interact over a network” - does it mean that I will need to install server instance, client instance and configure both? Is there more simple solution?

HA is the “client”, here…

Sorry I am done here. Installed mpd as daemon, added entry to configuration.yaml, but I think that home assistant is unable to resolve ha-barebone.local into IP address, because computer with mpd is dynamically allocated IP. I never had problem with ping ha-barebone.local from normal command line, but it does not resolve in HA terminal window.
In HA in services overview, mpd is grey - I assume it has red the configuration.yaml, but does not have actual connection.

Any other easire way for player? Installing kodi works without any configuration, I just want easier and lighter alterantive.