It’s easy with automation in HA if you have access to your curtain control
I’m gonna merge that version. Thank you for testing. I don’t have the low voltage thermostat so it was hard for me to test
Today I’ve added more attributes for floor thermostats on GT130.
This is quite a shame. I can’t bring myself to using a thermostat controller that requires the internet to work. If my ISP has an outage in the dead of winter what would I do? I’d buy a GT130 in a heartbeat if you were able to get this communicating with the unit directly. Poor decision on their part
That’s why I’ve developped the app to talk directly with the GT125. But for the GT130 we don’t need to buy one as the devices for the GT130 are ZigBee so we can use many different Zigbee gateway that we can access directly via HA and ZHA. All local no web. I’m presently testing many different gateway and will add to ZHA to get all Sinopé ZigBee devices working in local mode.
Stay tune.
Great to hear. Between my last post and now I ordered a conbee stick, so I’ll look forward to ZHA support.
I presently have a Elelabs stick that work very well with ZHA. I also have a ConBee II stick that I just received today to play with. Both are supported in ZHA and very easy to configure
Now I have light, dimmer, thermostat, outlet, water leak sensor and load controler that work with ZHA. I’m still doing some quirks to fine tune but it work great and faster then via the GT130.
I’ll add some doc on my soon.
Have fun.
That sounds great! Do the thermostats support sending the outside temp to them with zha?
That’s what I’m working on. Code is there in zha release 0.0.42
Do you have a TH1500ZB double pole. I need to find out if it use the same clusters number than the TH1123ZB and TH 1124ZB.
I’ve only got the TH1124zb, sorry
I have a working set_outside_temperature. I’M almost ready to send a PR to add new service to HA, service set_outside_temperature. I need a little code cleanup. As soon as it will be added to HA I’ll release the update for sinope-GT125. This should work also for zha Sinope zigbee thermostat.
I’ll update my doc also as we will need to add an automation to send outside temperature every hour to the thermostats. You can have a look at claudegel/sinope-gt125, branch set-outside-temperature.
I am not schur I anderstand you well.
You want to have and outdoor thermometer and you will send outside temperature to gt125 to increase the temperature regulation performance ? If yes, I will be very intersted for schur !
No, Sinopé thermostats can display outside temperature on the second display line on each thermostats. There is two way to do that.
- Use Neviweb via the configuration to display outside temperature on the thermostats. Neviweb will send outside temperature from Météo Média at least once per hour to each thermostat.
- Do it locally, by sending outside temperature each hour, or as needed when temperature change, to the thermostats directly via the gt125 to each miwi thermostats and via local zigbee gateway to talk directly to each zigbee thermostats.
I’m waiting for a PR sent to HA to add a new service, climate.set_outside_temperature. Once it is approved and added to HA it will be possible to send local outside temperature taken from a meteo station or from any meteo provider available on HA.
For the zigbee thermostats I’ve sent PR to ZHA to improve Sinopé thermostats detection. This should appear in next ZHA release.
What thermostat model do you have. I’m looking for anyone who have a TH1500ZB thermostat to check if I got the wright detection for ZHA.
J’ai un th1300wf, Il ne fonctionne ni avec le gt130, ni avec le gt125, c’est un thermostat wifi direct. Est-ce que je peux faire quelque chose pour t’aider à le faire marcher avec HA?
Certainement. Si il est présent dans Neviweb alors il doit y avoir un moyen de le voir avec HA. As-tu d’autres thermostats ou lumières de Neviweb et as-tu installé le custom_component neviweb. Si oui alors dans les logs on devrait voir comment l’ajouter à cette plateforme ou au pire d’en faire une pour ces thermostats. Mais je pense que ce serait plus simple de l’intégrer à neviweb ( qui gère les équipements connectés à Neviweb via le GT125 même si dans ton cas le thermostat TH1300wf communique directement avec Neviweb.
Donc quel custom_component as-tu présentement ?
Dans neviweb il peut y avoir un réseau pour le GT125 et un pour le GT130. Dans ton cas est-ce que ton thermostat est sur le réseau du GT125 ou bien il est sur un réseau séparé ?
Le TH1300WF est ni GT125, ni GT130. C’est un thermostat wifi direct. J’ai déjà un GT125 et un GT130, il ne connecte a aucune passerelle. Il est visible dans le même emplacement que le GT125. Voir image attaché. Ça aide?
Je n’ai pas encore commencé mon setup HA, je fais ça cette semaine. Je suis présentement avec OpenHAB et je vais faire le switch vers HA, car il ny a pas de bindings de GT130 et aucun pour neviweb non plus sous openhab.
Effectivement, Si tu as un contrôle HA via neviweb, ça devrait marcher, peut être avec une légère modification. Je te tiendra au courant, merci!