I found this dimmer switch (Sinope Smart Dimmer 600W - https://www.sinopetech.com/en/product/smart-dimmer-600-w-zigbee/) that is made in Canada and ETL C/US listed and CSA certified so I am pretty comfortable using them in my home. I purchased one of them and cannot make them pair to either Deconz or ZHA, although ZHA does cause the switch to think it is in the network.
I did work my way over there, especially after finding a message posting saying that deconz does not support switches in a general way and that support must be explicitly built into deconz/phoscon. I hope they add it because North America is really lacking in Zigbee switches and this one actually is really good compared to other WiFi or Zigbee switches available.
Can you tell me a little more on how you managed to get deconz to pair with the dimmer?
Im good with Phoscon but kinda new with deconz and as you mention Phoscon wont pair.
Ive have several Hue ligth and xiaomi sensor but i really wanted CSA dimmer and we dont
have a lot of option available to us.the dimmer and regular switch from sinope are the 2 things left to integrate before getting serious with Home assistant automations.If you would be kind to point me in the right direction that would be
appreciated. Thanks
Because it wasn’t initially supported, I did do something very weird at the beginning for the Sinope dimmer.
I followed the pairing instructions as indicated by the instructions included with the dimmer, but afterwards I went into deCONZ (the one that shows all the devices and their connections, kind of like a map), and read an attribute. It was enough for it to stick. Before support was added, it had a tendency to leave the network.
I had not removed it and tried to re-pair it to the network, but the regular switches paired fine without any special action. I would imagine it should have had been true for the dimmer as well now that it is supported.
It’s been a while, but if I recall, it is just as simple as adding any light to deCONZ. Search for lights, then press and hold both the dimmer up and dimmer down button at the same time. I have 6 in operation (1 dimmer, 5 switches).
Wow i feel so dumb right now, i have spent several hours trying to pair and research the web.
I was still not able to get it working. Something bugged me, the switch box was black, the dimmer was green and was bought more recently so i tough that maybe they have changed something to the dimmer. Then i saw the attribute that you posted on device support request for deconz and seen the model number DM2500ZB, after looking at mine it was DM2500RF. A quick search turned up the answer, i bought the web programmable dimmer instead of zigbee, After clicking several related product link on Amazon i wanted to buy the Sinope Dimmer but i did not see that the link was for the non-zigbee one. Time for a return and re-install and hope this time it will work.
Truly though, they should work on unifying their Web, Zigbee, and Control4 product lines together. They all look to work identical to each other except probably one tiny thing.
they have a couple,
Maybe Sinope will have some sale for black friday and i can get a couple more. Installed the regular switch and it paired with Phoscon right away . I didn’t know about control4 but yea im sure they can unify they product line a little.
I,ve a custom components that manage all Sinopé zigbee devices via there gateway GT130
All Sinopé zigbee devices also work with ZHA. I’ve a Elelabs usb stick and it paired rigt away. Only problem is that the light and dimmer are seen as switch.