Next release of neviweb130 will have a check for miwi location to avoid that type of error in configuration. Let me know if you neeed any help.
Thank Claude for the excellent HACS. Questions relates to HydroQC Rate D.
I have the 3 integration as well as the hydroqc.
I can see the peak happening tomorrow.
- How to add an automation to all thermostat to benefit from a preheat before peak period to save environment and $.
Not all thermostat are compatible with this saving in neviweb but with your system, it might work ? - Do I need your 3 HACS if I only have the GT125 and 130 hub ?
Hi @Alexandre, sorry I was away this weekend. to add a pre-heat automation for your thermostats you can do it manually by adding an automation in automations.yaml or use the custom_integration scheduler tha allow you to create a multi devices (thermostat) schedule
Then it is easy to activate or stop the schedule when there is a peak.
Check in HACS for scheduler card
You don’t need the three custom_component. It depend on which Sinopé devices you have and how you want to manage them:
- sinope-neviweb is for the old miwi devices connected to a GT125, Many of them are not supported by Eco-Sinopé. But you will be able to manage all miwi devices.
- sinope-gt125 is for local management of the miwi devices by connecting directly to your GT125. No need for Neviweb
- sinope-neviweb130 is for the new Sinopé zigbee and wifi devices. You can manage all of them via the scheduler.
- ZHA and a zigbee dongle like the Conbe II, to manage locally your Sinopé zigbe devices. All of the Sinopé zigbee devices are supported
For the wifi devices you have only the sinope-neviweb130 that can manage them in HA.
For a manual automation this is an example.
# pre-chauffage plainte
- id: pre chauffe thermostat
alias: pre chauffe thermostat
initial_state: false
platform: time
- "05:00:00"
- "15:00:00"
condition: and
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.season
state: "winter"
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.avis_hydro
state: "on"
- service: climate.set_temperature
- climate.neviweb130_climate_salon
- climate.salle_a_diner_thermostat
temperature: 20
- delay:
minutes: 59
- service: climate.set_temperature
- climate.neviweb130_climate_salon
- climate.salle_a_diner_thermostat
temperature: 12
- service: climate.set_temperature
- climate.neviweb130_climate_cave
temperature: 11
This automation start when I activate the input_boolean.avis_hydro and only in winter. It will increase temperature one hour before the peak, then drop setpoint to 12 for the peak. I have another automation that raise the setpoint at the end of the peak period.
Bonjour Claude, je suis nouveau dans Home Assistant donc je suis en apprentissage. J’ai acquis un RM3500ZB et je l’ai ajouté à mon hub Smarthings. Je veux ajouter la consommation dans la fenêtre Énergie et ça ne semble pas fonctionner en utilisant le sensor Energy_meter. Quand j’utilise Power_meter et un capteur d’intégrale, la consommation dans le tableau Énergie est trop élevée… je ne sais plus quoi faire. Merci de m’aider
Bonjour @Ssrioux, bienvenue dans HA.
Ton RM3500ZB est dans Neviweb via une passerelle Smathings et tu utilises le composant neviweb130 dans HA. Peux-tu me sortir ton log, home-assistant.log pour la ligne contenant ceci:
[custom_components.neviweb130.switch] Updating neviweb130 switch...
Au besoin active les logs en mettant ceci dans configuration.yaml
default: warning
homeassistant.custom_components: debug
custom_components.neviweb130: debug
Puis redemarre HA. Je veux valider que tu recois l’attribut ‘wattageInstant’: 0.
Envois moi aussi la configuration de ton sensor Energy_meter et Power_meter
Hello Claude, I like the work you are doing here.
Can’t update the second display of my wifi thermostats with whatever I want. Probably wrong syntax of course… not a coder. I used “12” as a debug number.
Hi @J-Man666 , your thermostat is on Neviweb so it is Neviweb that send outside temperature to your thermostat. The action set_second_display is used to choose what you want to display on the 2nd display of your device. It can be outside temperature or setpoint. If you choose outside temperature then Neviweb wil take care of sending outside temperature to your device automatically. Neviweb is taking the weather data from OpenWeatherMap and it is based on your postal code.
Neviweb130.set_second_display is a one time action so you don’t need to create an automation to run it.
Just clic on dev tool on the left side panel and clic on Actions. Then choose Sinope Neviweb130: set_second_display, choose yaml mode and fill data like this
action: neviweb130.set_second_display
entity_id: climate.neviweb130_climate_thermo_bureau
config2ndDisplay: exteriorTemperature
This will switch your thermostat display to outside temperature.
Ah ok I was under the impression I could send and overwrite what Neviweb is sending because it does seem quite a bit off sometimes or updating changing temp from dawn with quite some lag. Anyway, first world problem I guess. I should have gotten the zigbee version but I discovered HA and your work after hahaha.
Side note: When looking at or, I see a list of attribute and services. It would be great to have a list of which is available with what product. Maybe just with a longer comment. Of course I can figure it out trial and error
Hi @J-Man666 I should add better description of services (actions) because it is not all services that are availables for all devices. It’s my next thing to do on the new version of neviweb130 I’m preparing.
I’m also pushing a little on Sinopé to give us possibility to send our own temperature data to our thermostats via Neviweb.
It seems that it is the most active forum on Sinope Thermostat and the one covering multiple aspect. Is there somebody that found how to activate the “eco” flashing logo on those thermostat, talking directly through zigbee with those? I’ve followed the recipe to display the outdoor temperature but I’ve not seen something similar for the “eco” logo.
Thank you.
Hi @ehfortin, are you on ZHA ? You can check on my sinope-zha. There are new blueprint that show how to do this.