Skybell HD Doorbell - NoSuchKey error

EDIT: Using an ethernet cable, it started working fine.

I’m trying to add a Skybell HD doorbell to Home Assistant using the integration UI. After entering my login credentials, it gets stuck in a loop of Initializing and Retrying Setup.

First occurred: 5:34:15 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 5:34:15 PM

Config entry '[...]' for skybell integration not ready yet: Failed to communicate with device: b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<Error><Code>NoSuchKey</Code><Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message><Key>63a632bf5cb7790007f7a3f5/1671841198103-792963a632bf5cb7790007f7a3f5_63a632bf5cb7790007f7a3f5.jpeg</Key><RequestId>Z78GMF44QCW4A318</RequestId><HostId>GJf+5A6iYTpSq1N226tHI0ha7SgyeSO8VPNQhDyd6XZ4QUrDqM07e4JpR6c5Wj0V5Y30R2L5fvM=</HostId></Error>'; Retrying in background

In the logs, I can see that the login works as it shows my first and last name that I configured when creating my account with Skybell, as well as the status being ‘up’.

It appears that there’s an attempt to do a HTTP get to a link ttps://, and that is where the NoSuchKey error occurs.

This is what I see when I open that link in my browser, which shows the same error as above:

What is causing this issue? Is there an issue with the integration itself specifying the wrong image file or do I need to do some other configuration?