Hi Everyone,
I’m in HA 0.99.3 and not experiened with HA so much, just try around one week
I’m using an IR dimmer (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 %, up, down) and IR switch to control my philips light.
I’m using Broadlink component to control the IR switch to on and off (no dim - on/off worked)
Today I found that Automation and Input Number to put the slider to the Frontend to control the dimmer as combine switch from IR dimmer (switch 1 on/off, switch 2 off/25, switch 3 off/50 …)
I try first with on off + automation + input number, but the slider did not appear at frontend.
My input_numbers.yaml
> night_light_brighness:
> name: Brightness
> initial: 0
> min: 0
> max: 4
> step: 1
> icon: mdi:brightness-5
My automations.yaml
> #night light dimmer
> - id: night_light_brighness
> alias: 'Night Light Brightness'
> trigger:
> platform: state
> entity_id: input_number.night_light_brighness
> action:
> - service: switch.turn_on
> entity_id: switch.night_light
> data_template:
> brightness: "{{ states('input_number.night_light_brighness') | int }}"
My configuration.yaml (just hide something)
> .....
> input_number: !include input_numbers.yaml
> .....
> switch 1:
> - platform: broadlink
> host:
> mac: 'hide'
> type: 'rm2_pro_plus'
> switches:
> night_light:
> friendly_name: "Night Light"
> command_on: "hide"
> command_off: "hide"
So you have any suggestion for me?