Slider does not appear in Frontend

Hi Everyone,
I’m in HA 0.99.3 and not experiened with HA so much, just try around one week
I’m using an IR dimmer (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 %, up, down) and IR switch to control my philips light.
I’m using Broadlink component to control the IR switch to on and off (no dim - on/off worked)
Today I found that Automation and Input Number to put the slider to the Frontend to control the dimmer as combine switch from IR dimmer (switch 1 on/off, switch 2 off/25, switch 3 off/50 …)
I try first with on off + automation + input number, but the slider did not appear at frontend.

My input_numbers.yaml

> night_light_brighness:
>   name: Brightness
>   initial: 0
>   min: 0
>   max: 4
>   step: 1
>   icon: mdi:brightness-5

My automations.yaml

> #night light dimmer      
> - id: night_light_brighness
>   alias: 'Night Light Brightness'
>   trigger:
>     platform: state
>     entity_id: input_number.night_light_brighness
>   action:
>   - service: switch.turn_on
>     entity_id: switch.night_light
>     data_template:
>       brightness: "{{ states('input_number.night_light_brighness') | int }}"

My configuration.yaml (just hide something)

> .....
> input_number: !include input_numbers.yaml
> .....
> switch 1:
>   - platform: broadlink
>     host:
>     mac: 'hide'
>     type: 'rm2_pro_plus'
>     switches:
>       night_light:
>         friendly_name: "Night Light"
>         command_on: "hide"
>         command_off: "hide"

So you have any suggestion for me?

I figure out that because I turn off auto create entities of Lovelace so I need to put the card out manually. :smiley:
But one thing more, how can put an automation for an input number?
For ex:
I’m have slider from 0-4 (I did it), and each number will call broadlink send a RF command (my rf dimmer)
Hope Someone could show me some direction.