Slow Response Homeassistant (Already solved)

I just want to share my experience so when others come to look this might help.

Slow response came with an update and a restart of my main VM box.
Restarted my HA VM 100 times no solution.
Removed the update to previous known working setup.

But the responce was there and it worked, just slow like 5 second delays …
Sometimes the device/switch was not found but was 100% online before and after reboot of the whole VM.

I have everything running on Unifi at home and noticed a double IP warning :grimacing: although this was resolved, Unifi kept being glitchy.

Rebooted the UDM-Pro after this i also forced reboot on USW Pro 24 PoE and access-points .

Result : Everything runs fine again.

happy that it was not HA and i could explain it and keep my Wife approval factor as is. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :partying_face: