Sometimes, when I walk into the PIR sensor detection zone of an Aeotec multisensor (firmware updated one week ago), it takes maybe 5-8 seconds before the light goes on. This happens both via Node red and central scenes. Direct association works fine, but can’t be used for all.
It’s a direct neighbour of the zwave controller.
The green light on the aeotec lights up immediately.
Any ideas how to find out what’s happening?
System performance should be ok. It’s an Intel 5i NUC with Debian 9 stretch, aeotec stick.
Yep. It happens.
One of the major reasons I’m getting rid of zwave.
I don’t know the answer but seems very strange. My zwave gear is all so instant that you can’t notice a delay by eye, and that’s running on a RPi. I also use Aeotec multi sensors. Are they on USB power or battery?
They’re on usb power.
Sounds like there’s a potential for improvement, so I’ll work hard to get there!
I suspect that there might be a traffic jam somewhere, but haven’t been able to find it.
And reading the ozw log file is quite heavy work, but I guess I’ll have to.