I’m running Hassbian on a pi 3b+. After booting the HA startsup just fine but then after a minute or two crashes. It tells me:
*** Error in `/srv/homeassistant/bin/python3’: malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0x71e41900 ***
I’ve tried updating everything to the latest version, but still get the message. Anyone know what this means and what i could do?
I tried installing Apache and PHP on top of Hassbian. Apparently this results in conflicts. I didn’t necessarily needed Apache (only php as i run some php scripts) so I did a clean install and installed a command line version of php.
I dot no not have apache only php which is needed and is cli.
Some logs before the crash.
After a few tries I can manage to start HASS it does not crash. It crashes randomly after restart.
lerStateDoc’: ‘The command has completed successfully.’, ‘controllerErrorInt’: 0, ‘controllerError’: ‘None’, ‘controllerErrorDoc’: ‘None.’}
2019-02-05 11:33:30 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [libopenzwave] notif_callback : end
2019-02-05 11:33:30 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [libopenzwave] notif_callback : new notification
2019-02-05 11:33:30 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [libopenzwave] notif_callback : Notification type : 28, nodeId : 0
2019-02-05 11:33:30 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [libopenzwave] notif_callback : call callback context
2019-02-05 11:33:30 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [openzwave] zwcallback args=[{‘notificationType’: ‘ControllerCommand’, ‘homeId’: 4224210025, ‘nodeId’: 0, ‘controllerStateInt’: 1, ‘controllerState’: ‘Starting’, ‘controllerStateDoc’: ‘The command is starting.’, ‘controllerErrorInt’: 0, ‘controllerError’: ‘None’, ‘controllerErrorDoc’: ‘None.’}]
2019-02-05 11:33:30 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [openzwave] Z-Wave ControllerCommand : {‘notificationType’: ‘ControllerCommand’, ‘homeId’: 4224210025, ‘nodeId’: 0, ‘controllerStateInt’: 1, ‘controllerState’: ‘Starting’, ‘controllerStateDoc’: ‘The command is starting.’, ‘controllerErrorInt’: 0, ‘controllerError’: ‘None’, ‘controllerErrorDoc’: ‘None.’}
2019-02-05 11:33:30 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [libopenzwave] notif_callback : end
2019-02-05 11:33:36 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [libopenzwave] notif_callback : new notification
2019-02-05 11:33:36 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [libopenzwave] notif_callback : Notification type : 28, nodeId : 0
2019-02-05 11:33:36 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [libopenzwave] notif_callback : call callback context
2019-02-05 11:33:36 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [openzwave] zwcallback args=[{‘notificationType’: ‘ControllerCommand’, ‘homeId’: 4224210025, ‘nodeId’: 0, ‘controllerStateInt’: 6, ‘controllerState’: ‘InProgress’, ‘controllerStateDoc’: ‘The controller is communicating with the other device to carry out the command.’, ‘controllerErrorInt’: 0, ‘controllerError’: ‘None’, ‘controllerErrorDoc’: ‘None.’}]
2019-02-05 11:33:36 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [openzwave] Z-Wave ControllerCommand : {‘notificationType’: ‘ControllerCommand’, ‘homeId’: 4224210025, ‘nodeId’: 0, ‘controllerStateInt’: 6, ‘controllerState’: ‘InProgress’, ‘controllerStateDoc’: ‘The controller is communicating with the other device to carry out the command.’, ‘controllerErrorInt’: 0, ‘controllerError’: ‘None’, ‘controllerErrorDoc’: ‘None.’}
2019-02-05 11:33:36 DEBUG (Dummy-3) [libopenzwave] notif_callback : end
*** Error in `/srv/homeassistant/bin/python3’: malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0x0197dc38 ***