Smart Button

I use smart buttons for different actions, the way I configure that is using automations.
Is there a better and simpler way to do that? I am looking to call a service when a button is pressed. It seems to me overkill to use automation for this.
Thank you.

The only ways you can really have HA respond to a button is through automation. You can put them into scripts but you’ll need automation to get you to that script. The alternative is if the smart button has the ability to have scenes, this might be a better solution for you but I’m not sure what smart button you have and if it is scene-capable.

You could also have sort of a “universal” automation that listens to the Z-Wave network (assuming your button is Z-Wave) and then forward off to a script that then disseminates the payload to determine which device made the call and take action that way, but automation would probably be easier and be less of a load on HA.

the “automation” is literally at the heart of any home automation system (it’s right in the name :wink:).

whether you decide to do it in HA or by using scenes within the device itself or in some other way (nodered, appdaemon, etc) you are still, at the bottom line, writing an automation.

There is no other way to do it.