Smart Lock with number pad - in Europe!

Hey guys,

I need some help.
I’m currently trying to replace my lock with a smart lock - so far, the Schlage connect would fit perfectly with what I want. The problem is, I’m in Europe and from what I’ve read so far, the z-wave uses a different frequency here than in the US (why the hell???), so the Schlage connect won’t work and so far I cant find a euro-version of it.
Can you guys help me out and point me to a different lock that fits my requirements?
Here’s what I’m looking for:

It MUST have a number pad or fingerprint reader - I need a way to unlock the lock without a key or phone, and that must work also if the internet goes down.
It MUST also provide the possibility to use a regular key as a backup, let’s say if it runs out of battery or whatever.
It MUST provide the possibility to assign different number codes to different users and log the use of that keys.
It MUST NOT have something subscription based - I dont want to pay additional monthly fees
It SHOULD have Amazon Alexa compatibility

So, any ideas?
Every help is appreciated, thanks a lot in advance!

Any good?

Seems I’m looking for something that doesnt exist :frowning:

Is this something?

Hmm havent seen this one before. Need to take a look at it, thanks. Af first sight it seems to offer everything i want!

If you find a good one please let me know :wink:

So far the Abus wAppLoxx solution is one of the few I would trust to be fairly secure. But in this topic it won’t do the job because it uses either an App or Tokens to unlock, and there’s no way of using a backup key. And it’s pretty expensive too.
If it got integrated into HASS though, it could be possible to just have a keypad that talks to HASS, and then HASS opens the lock.

Did you ever find anything? at the momeny i use Elocky, a french company, but it cant integrated here with HA…

i actually found these guys, that operate in europe. and have zwave!

i use a Nuki now.
It’s not the most beautiful, but it works beautifully :wink:
Got it for 2 years now, and it fit both the old front door and our new one now.

So far, I’m very, very happy with it.

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i was actually jsut reading about it. but now im stuck with these :slight_smile: when we have new construction going, i might go for those!
thank you