I am looking for something like Sonoff S31, but with UK plug. I want to be able to flash Esphome but the end goal is to use via a Home assistant. I have seen some options with EU, plug-like blitzwolf, avatto, broadlink etc.
The only one I have seen with UK plug and meter is TP-Link HS110, and it costs around 23USD. https://bit.ly/329qd56
Thanks for the suggestion. So far I have not, there are too many things to check and I wanted to start simple. Correct me if I am wrong but zigbee and z-wave will require me to have z-wave controller which I do not have right now I and did not plan to get one.
yes, you will need a gateway… but if you are starting out, I would recommend that you start out in the right direction, otherwise you will end up buying kit… tryying it… then upgrading it later… Zigbee and z-wave are meant as smarthome protocols… wifi is not necessarily… many of the devices use udp (fire and forget) which is not helpful when it comes to updating the states of devices… taking this a step further, I would also focus on z-wave as the frequencies are very differnet to wifi and therefore will interfere less…
But many people on here have different opinions and experiences… these are mine…
Can only say that I have Bltizwolf wifi smart plugs and they work great with Home Assistant automations. So no idea why @uiguy wuold have misfires?
Of course your wifi reach needs to be good to start with.
as I said, it all depends on the device you use… I was using Belkin Wemo’s and they would misfire regulary… I also used the orvibo ones (which ironically were more stable) but it depends what protocol it uses…
Additionally, the more wifi devices you add to your network, the less capacity you have for things that actually need wifi like people and media etc…
Mine is not as good but the room with worst reception for the main network, which also has a separate access point, I have 30-45ms ping and 60+mbps upload and 240mbps download. In the same room with the router, it is around 150+mbps with lesser ping time. So I hope I am good for now.
So far I only used a few ESP01’s and Sonoff S20s, which I think are the same thing in heart. My network is not congested 2 users, 10-15 devices max right now but I think I will come to realize the wisdom of @uiguy’s words after a while as I add more devices.
Thanks a lot, I will check if I can get them delivered to Singapore.