SmartThings Button - Add Push state to entity

I have a smart things button, added to Home Assistant through the SmartThings Hub.

However the only two entities that show up are temp and battery. I have been able to listen to the event and see the button being pushed, double pushed or held. I was then able to create an automation to actually use it to operate a light.

However, it would be easier to have that be an entity like a switch would be. Is there anyway to map that event as an entity so that it recognizes it getting pushed as a button and I can use it in automations as a device vice having to map the event state each time.

Did you ever get this working. I have the same Smart things button and would like to use it

I did. There is a smartthings blueprint for the button. I used this. You can also leverage ZHA Events and monitor those for the button pushes and then creation either automations based off of that or NodeRed.

This is the one button I haven’t moved over to NodeRed. I much prefer having a zha event listener in Node-Red and then parse that out to flows.

alias: Button - Living Room
description: ""
  path: a-bianucci/smartthingsbutton.yaml
    samsung_smartthings_button: <....4813....>
      - type: toggle
        device_id: <....4813....>
        entity_id: light.living_room_light
        domain: light
      - type: toggle
        device_id: <....4813....>
        entity_id: light.living_room_ceiling
        domain: light