SmartThings MQTT Bridge Question

I have the MQTT bridge setup and working correctly. I can add devices on the HASS side that exist on SmartThings and they talk just fine. Is it possible to do the reverse? That is, if a Z-Wave device was paired with HASS, can I add a virtual device on the SmartThings side to control it? I would like to do this to slowly transition to HASS without minimal interruptions.

I created a virtual switch and added it to the MQTT bridge on the SmartThings smartapp, but I cannot get it to communicate with the HASS device. Have tried a bunch of name and address combinations in SmartThings to match the names on the HASS side. Iā€™m sure its something simple (assuming this works).

On that same note, is it possible to have HASS discover SmartThings devices over MQTT the same way pairing a new z wave device on HASS works where it just shows up as a working device?


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Im looking into the same thing.
Have you made any headway on this?

You probably need an automation to change the ST virtual switch when the HA switch changes and the other way around.

trigger: ha.switch1
condition: st.switch1 <> ha.switch1 #maybe not needed?
action: st.switch1 = ha.switch1.state

And another for trigger: st.switch1 to set ha.switch1

I have not messed with it much. The bridge works good to feed HASS so I left it as is.