Smartwatch detection?

Hi everyone
I was trying to setup smartwatch detection but it only works (it sends out beacons) if it is not connected to a phone. Once connected, EPSHome cannot see it anymore. But surely is it is sending data to my phone, so should be detected?
I have a Garmin watch if it makes any difference

Yep beacon or low energy BLE are working with only one active connection ! But if you use the HA app en your android Phone it reports you BLE devices connected with your phone or not (I have a Xiaomi Mi-Band that is paired with Gadgetbridge on my phone) and I have all the time status in HA if my Miband is connected or not with my phone :wink:

yeah, I have seen this sensor in the app… Have to think of the logic on how to use it

I have a Garmin too and have tried everything (not with ESPHome but room-assistant, shouldn’t make a difference), to get it working - no luck. You will find a number of posts in the Garmin forums asking for a beacon functionality, with not reply from any developers. From what I read, future watches might allow this, but only when an app is open on the watch.

As you mentioned, the only thing you can do to get it working is to turn off Bluetooth on your phone. ESPHome/room-assistant will only pick up the broadcasts sent by the watch and no communication between the watch and the phone. It annoys me too, as the watch is on me almost 24/7.

Sorry but pretty confused here by your explanation ! The Garmin thing is paired with phone and an app on it right ? If so you’ll be able to know through HA app installed on same phone when the Garmin thing is BT linked or not (pretty useful in fact to get an automatic alarm if you forget to put it back on your wrist after charging/shower…

the discussion is more of a beacon function. So that when you walk into a room you are more likely to have a watch on your hand that a phone. But since it’s paired to a phone it is not sending adverts out.
I saw a guy on another group that wears a “watch” with microchip on one hand and smartwatch on the other. I am not ready for this yet =)

The only working solution :sweat_smile:

My galaxy fit have same issue.

And not every itag work. Some turn off after a while…

For Tizen it seems there are some apps that could help

or this

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I know this is an old post, but thinking this through. I am wondering if I can disconnect the bluetooth between my phone and Garmin using Tasker when at home, probably easiest just to turn off Bluetooth for me, but may not be an option if you use Bluetooth headphones or some other Bluetooth device.

Then my Garmin watch would be sending out Bluetooth BLE beacons, then maybe once an hour turn back on to sync or only when the Garmin connect app is started.

This would hopefully then allow room assistant or similar to detect which room the Garmin watch was in.

This is all just theory at the moment and not sure if this would pass the wife test if I applied this to her phone/watch. I can hear the swearing now that is hasn’t synced.


@stevenhorner I just tried disconnecting my Galaxy Watch 5 from the phone by disabling BT on the phone. Then I ran

sudo hcitool lescan

on my computer and the watch did show up as a BT Low Energy device.

@cbarreholm interesting, I’ve not had the time to try anything. Sounds promising, need to find time to this myself.

hi did you succeed in this?
I have a garmin watch too connected with a bluetooth phone.
I want roompresence as well and prefer to pair the watch instead of the phone, cause phone i sometimes leave it on sofa, but the watch is always with me.
I dont think i need bluetooth at homr, only when i’m in the car,
Still looking for a solution :slight_smile:

Is this topic dead?
Still interested here.
It cant be that the people here and me, are the only ones wanting to do this with a garmin watch.

I found this too, but this doesnt advertise, right?