Smoke detector / Carbon Monoxid detector


it is possible to use smoke detector / carbon monoxid detector like these with esphomelib?

Thanks, Thomas

It’s not yet in the supported components nor is it listed in the ones hopefully coming soon. But maybe if you create a ticket here and ask for this New integration we all could use this component happily one day! :fireworks:

These sensors use analog values for their sensor values. So the ADC Sensor is what you need here.

Look at the TEMT6000 cookbook entry for inspiration of how to convert the analog values to readings.

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TEMT6000 doesn’t really provide guidance on the solution. To me it reads converting, but the MQ-2 is already connected to both A0 and D1 connecting with like labeled connectivity to the board. I’d also really like to see an MQ-2 integration example. I could use this in quite a few projects around the home to add smoke alarm function. I was able to get MQ-2 working stand alone through Arduino IDE, but I’ve exhausted searching for anything like this online for yaml. Any assistance would be huge. I’ve had open projects for months trying to get this going. Thanks in advance and if I’m missing anything please advise.