Smooth color loop with hue light stripe

Hello together,

I have installed a hue light stripe and I would like to have an smooth color loop.
I have try to realized that as a script like the follow one:

  alias: arbeitszimmer colorloop
  - service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.hue_lightstrip
      effect: colorloop
      transition: 900
      brightness: 255
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:led-strip-variant

But I have some challenges now:

  1. The stripe needs some time to get from 0 brightness to „full“ (255) brightness (Its better that they started directly full)
  2. The transition time does not considered (may I would like to say is more like an disco, colors change very fast)

I would like to change the color over serval minutes (15 or more). Maybe a script is not the right way and an Scene or automation is the method of choice.

Thanks for your help in advance

Hello again, nobody can help me? :cry:

Hate to say that I’m in your same boat. Please let me know if you discover anything

The transition number is for changing from the previous state to the new state. This does not affect the color loop at all. The reason why it takes so long to get to full brightness is you have brightness 255 with a transition so it is transition from the previous brightness to 255

Was any solution ever found to this? I would also love if it transitioned slower.

No, solution found. I’am still in a disco.

I found one, but it takes a bit of tinkering to work, including adding a version key to the manifest.

chazzu/hass-animated-scenes: Custom component for Home Assistant which allows you to create animated color and brightness scenes with many options. (

But it is not really being maintained, and therefore it leaves a bit to be desired.