Today whenever I try to create a snapshot of my config it causes HA to completely crash, to the point that I can’t even SSH into it and have to hard reboot (power cycle) the RPi. Running 0.84.6 on HassOS.
The system has plenty of spare space on the SD card to create the snapshot (I have recently deleted a heap of old snapshots) so it’s not a storage space issue. Any ideas what I can try? No log since it gets wiped on reboot
I’m guessing that your DB-file is quite big? My DB was around 4GB yesterday and the snapshot killed it…
Also had the same issue this winter where my HA crashed every Saturday morning. Took me some time to connect the dots and understand what that triggered it 
There is obviously something here that needs to be looked at.
Nope, I have my settings such that the DB usually gets no larger than about 1.7Gb and the snapshot doesn’t save the DB
Perhaps test to do the snapshot after you have deleted the db and restarted HA? Dont know how big the file need to be, just noticed yesterday that it was 4GB.
but if I’m not backing up the DB, it shouldn’t matter. I will try anyway though
If you use the standard internal db, how can you avoid it? I have only a “create snapshot” option 
hmm… for some reason I thought there was a way to select / deselect but after checking just now, that’s only when you restore, and not for the DB. In saying that, my last snapshot is only 150Mb despite the DB being over 1Gb, so how can the snapshot contain the DB?
Thats typical, without my db the backup is 1-2MB.