Just killing my head on trying to setup the SNIPS platform ! It looks so unreliable on install and daily use !! I’m at least at 4 or 5th reinstall on my Pi and each time get a different result Documentations online are either outdated or wrong so it’s really painful to get it working all the more with HA !
Did someone succeeded to get a whole working setup ? Right now I have my PI setup with Snips working and HA assistant installed ! I’m now stuck there as documentation states to install skills but it doesn’t work on mine and not having same behaviour as documentation…
Only support avalaible at snips is discord which is pretty boring and not useful, so hope someone here would have an idea or point me to an updated and correct tutorial for that
I guess you are not using English language?
With English it worked for me, at least somehow…
I had the same problems and just made custom intents pointing towards automations I had anyway. Like that it works very smooth for me but its a lot of work to setup - you need an intent for every action you want executed.
Im sure there has to be a better way to get this working but I got bored looking for it
Well english is not a problem as it handles now few languages by default ! The main issue is that it’s really far from being usable out of box !! Install process is pain in the ass (and changes at each update), had to spend few hours on Snips discord channels to succeed to get my own unit working…
Fully agree on that, integration process with HA is very boring and complicated, hope they find soon a lot easier way to do that as it’s really fun when it works and without giving all your private life to the GAFA