Many changes happened to the lovelace yaml format between .80 and 87. for starters, lovelace was released. You should go through all the breaking changes from 80 to 87 and correct them in your yaml.
I’m so very used to adding things to my network and having the auto discover or adding to Configuration (or include file) and having them show up in the classic interface.
Then I’d take that info and make it fancy like in ui-lovelace.
Currently things soft of work that way but not really. If I leave things the way they are by default I’m basically operating in classic mode correct?
If I take control then nothing get’s auto added and I need to figure out adding things on my own, correct?
Also will I break everything that is working now? Cause that will kill all the progress I’ve made in the WAF department.
I was referring to this. Sorry I wasn’t clear. You should turn this back on, and fix the lovelace issues. There are plenty of them. Off the top of my head, the only change I can think of is the updated tap_action method. Which pretty much broke most cards. My suggestion would be to read the release notes for each version and make the changes.
There has also been a ton of changes outside of lovelace that affect the core. Things like entity_registry changes as well as template sensor changes.
It would really be best to go through everything.
You can search through all the changes by going to the blog posts. They start off with the x.xx , eg 0.80
My biggest suggestion would be to just update one version at a time using the latest minor release of every major release. then you can more easily go thru each section of breaking changes individually for each release and get those fixed before moving to the next major release.
start at .80, read thru the breaking changes for 0.81, update to 0.81.6 (which is the latest in that version), fix the breaking changes that affect you, then move on to the next major release.
that way you can get it done fairly quickly and it won’t be so overwhelming to fix a boat load of errors.
and as you move forward your frontend should automatically switch over to the new lovelace frontend fairly seamlessly since it is supposed to pick up how your old config is set up and produce a reasonable facsimile of your old set up. then you can start digging in to getting your stuff switched over to a real lovelace frontend completely under your control, whether it is yaml mode (which I really like) or thru the GUI (which I have no experience with).
Well the update was inadvertent. I forgot I had grabbed the lastest (.87) and then I had to redeploy my docker container as I needed to add a volume to the container for a weather sensor.
When the new container was finished I was at .87
you can just go back to v80 in docker. That’s the beauty of it.
delete your old docker container and when you execute the new docker run then just add “:0.80.0” to the end of the image name in your docker run command. Then it will install that version and you are up and running on the old version in a few seconds.
I use lovelace in yaml mode and I like it. It allows you to use !include statements so you can break your config up into more bite sized pieces. And I was just talking with another user that uses the GUI mode but there are some issues that force them to use the raw config editor for some things in GUI mode which, to me, complicates things too much. I’ll just stick with yaml mode until I’m forced to move on from it.
EDIT to clarify: do you have in your configuration.yaml file an entry that says?:
you can use the new ‘gui way’ of doing lovelace and there is a video for it. But using it will force you to redo your current setup. I’m still using ui-lovelace myself, I don’t think I’ll ever switch unless I’m forced to. In the link there is a video that shows how the UI way works
That’s my recommendation. If you aren’t afraid of yaml. No reason to turn away now. If you want a UI friendly mix of yaml and configurations. Move to the new stuff.