Solar-Log integration - extension

Hello HA Team,

there is the option to expand the Solar-Log integration with additional information. The integration is based on a JSON query, the Solar-Log also displays the battery storage, if one is connected.

The query for this information takes place via the data field 858

858: [0, 79, 1074, 0]

Value 1 = 0 = Status (I am not yet familiar with the reordering of the numbers, but I have been able to see the Charging and Discharging status so far)
Value 2 = BatteryLevel = 79 = Charge level in percent
Value 3 = ChargePower = 1074 = current charging power in watts
Value 4 = DischargePower = 0 = current final charging power in watts

Would it be possible to include this JSON query in the Solar-Log integration and output it as entity fields?

I am happy to provide the necessary information.

Thank You

link to the core Integration
Solar-Log Integration