Hi, I am about to get installed a solaredge inverter.
I will like to display in lovelace the original solaredge monitoring site using an iframe card, but it seems that they do not allow frames: "because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘sameorigin’ " and thus refusing working inside any frame.
Have any of you found a workaround for this?
If not…How are you displaying your inverter real time info on lovelace?? Is there any option/way to get a nice and more intuitive graph from our solaredge sensors, or are you just displaying the raw sensor’s data?
HI, I already have my solredge system set up.
My inverter is an ‘EV Charging single phase inverter SE4000H’ and I think I should be able to connect to HA via the SolarEdge local integration because of it’s been set up with the local connection with the SetAPP app by my installer. However, HA does not connect via SolarEdge local integration and I cannot connect either to the inverter via its local IP. Maybe my installer didn’t set up something right, any clue, PLEASE??
You have to have your installer enable the API access to get this to work.