Solax X1 Hybrid G4 (local & cloud API)

maybe it will be useful for others to know that the time is stored in 2 bytes, but when read, the hours are in the first byte and the minutes are in the second (hours=value/256; minutes=mod(value/256); 6412 => 12:25) and vice versa when writing (value = hours*256+minutes; 12:25 => 3097)!

Hi, It has been a while but I’m still using this code in my HA setup. Since the latest update of HA however I get notifications (several, 12 to be exact), see the atached screenshot. What as happened?

I’m wondering why more people aren’t using it - no reliance at all on the cloud servers and you can poll as quickly as you like. I’ve been using for over 18 months with no issues at all :slight_smile:

I’ve been working on some automations and dashboards to control the inverter, some of you may find them useful. I’ve wrapped @kamilb work into a package to make things simple for adding to your configuration.yaml.

I’d appreciate any feed back/criticism.

A basic summary of what the automations/dashboard allow you to do:

  1. Change basic settings/modes on the inverter
  2. Control when your Zappi is allowed to get an octopus dispatch
  3. Export the battery daily/maually
  4. Prevent house battery discharging into the EV if the CT clamp can see the Zappi load
  5. Send notifications.
  6. Participate in Octoplus Saving Sessions/Free Electric (not tested)

Your Zappi must be the registered device with octopus (not your EV)

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I love it. Great work @RGx01 !