Hello,i’am try to integrate my Solutronic Solar inverter,i’am create a senzor grabed with multiscrape from Solutronic local webserver but not show in HA just first value with “solutronic energy today”.This is the code whitch i’am try to write,somebody can help me to correct it for rest of the colums from that webpage ?
scan_interval: 5
unique_id: solutronic_energy_today
name: Solutronic Energy Today
unit_of_measurement: kWh
select: “TD:nth-child(2)”
value_template: ‘{{ ( (value.split(“kWh”)[0]) | replace (" ", “”) ) }}’
unique_id: solutronic_energy_week
name: Solutronic Energy Week
unit_of_measurement: kWh
select: “TD:nth-child(4)”
value_template: ‘{{ ( (value.split(“kWh”)[0]) | replace (" ", “”) ) }}’
unique_id: solutronic_energy_month
name: Solutronic Energy Month
unit_of_measurement: kWh
select: “TD:nth-child(6)”
value_template: ‘{{ ( (value.split(“kWh”)[0]) | replace (" ", “”) ) }}’
Thanks in advance!