[SOLVED] ESP32 flashing failure


I’m afraid its another newbie with an esp32 flash issues, any help would be deeply appreciated!

I’m attempting to flash a simple ESPHome .bin to my esp32 so I can get it up and running to work OTA.

The board is a MH-ET Live esp32 Dev board, purchased from Aliexpress. As it stands I got nothing attached to the board.

I’m running HA in docker on synology with the ESPHome addon, compiling and them downloading the .bin. Using esptool.py on a pi3B+ to do the actual flashing.

This is the .yaml:

On my pi I blank the flash with: esptool.py --chip esp32 erase_flash
I have to hold the boot button to get in flash mode, but it seems to do its job.

I then flash my .bin using: esptool.py --chip esp32 write_flash -z 0x00000 mh-et-live-espdevkit.bin
Again holding the boot button this seems to work.

I then reset with the onboard button but then it fails to boot. When I use the arduino ide serial monitor I get this error:

flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371

I’ve tried using an identical new board, selecting different boards in ESPHome, I’ve tried different locations (0x1000, 0x10000 & 0x00000), I’ve trued different write functions (dio and dout), I’ve used different cables, flashed then hooked it up to a separate usb power supply. I can flash the blink example for the onboard LED, which works fine.

And to top it all off I’ve managed to use the same process to flash a similar .bin to a wemos d1 mini without issue.

Any ideas as to what I have done or missed? Or do I accept it just not gonna work?


Try using ESPHome flasher instead of ESPTool:


Esp32 can sometime come without any flash layout. Just use esphome-flasher to flash you bin for the first time via serial - it takes care of partitioning the esp32s. :rocket:


I had thought of that orignally and spent quite a bit of time failing to get it on my pi3.

Read your comments, thought I’ll try again.

There you go, fresh day, installed, flashed works.

Thanks guys.

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