[SOLVED] Get json attribute from mqtt message

Hi, I´m starting with json format in HASS

Can someone help me to know how can I get de name and confidence info under matches of this json formated mqtt message

  "id" : "193bf907-dad8-40e3-b7d6-03efbf59ce64",
  "duration" : 0.16,
  "timestamp" : "2023-01-23T08:49:50.695Z",
  "attempts" : 1,
  "camera" : "manual",
  "zones" : [ ],
  "matches" : [ {
    "name" : "robert",
    "confidence" : 82.45,
    "match" : true,
    "box" : {
      "top" : 243,
      "left" : 483,
      "width" : 194,
      "height" : 279
    "type" : "manual",
    "duration" : 0.13,
    "detector" : "deepstack",
    "filename" : "84b2437d-84e4-41b7-a278-dfb45997cde6.jpg",
    "base64" : null
  } ],
  "misses" : [ ],
  "unknowns" : [ ],
  "personCount" : 1,
  "counts" : {
    "person" : 1,
    "match" : 1,
    "miss" : 0,
    "unknown" : 0

I suppose it have to be something like {{ my_test_json.matches.0.name }} because it works in the template editor, but how can read the mqtt payload to apply the template?

This will work

'{{trigger.payload_json.matches.0.name }}'