I am having a heck of a time getting a LIFX bulb to show up in HA, and I’m hoping I’m just missing something simple. I’ve tried with and without both the server and broadcast options, with no luck. I am running HA in docker, with the network=host setup.
HA server ip is The bulb ip is I believe the broadcast ip should be
I read a post that mentioned adding a rule to iptables:
-A INPUT -s -p udp --dport 56700 -j ACCEPT
I run ufw, so I added:
sudo ufw allow 56700/udp
Still no luck. Can someone point me in the right direction? Pretty please?
Remove all of your LIFX configurations and restart Hass. Then goto Configuration, Integrations, and configure LIFX. It SHOULD discover them without any setup since you are on the same subnet.
This was a breaking change a few releases ago.
There is some manual configuration available, but its no longer in your lights section from what it appears.
I hadn’t realized that LIFX had moved into the integrations. I’ve been trying on and off for a few months to get it in, but finally decided there must be something I was missing. Thanks for pointing this out for me, i twas totally missing that.
After removing all the config, and deleting the manual integration that my attempts had created, I was still unable to add the LIFX bulb. I got an error that no devices were found.
I disabled my firewall on the server hosting HA, and then was finally able to add it. I then reenabled the firewall, and so far, the bulb is still working with HA. I guess we’ll see if a restart loses it. But at least now I know my firewall was the source of my trouble. I will have to see if i can work out what can be added to uff config to allow it to work without actually disabling the firewall altogether.
Glad you got it working. Good luck with the firewall. I tried at one point to move my bulbs to a different subnet and never did get it working properly, even with the manual config. I gave up and moved them back. LIFX does something weird with the broadcast packets (I don’t know enough to speak intelligently about it). Google LIFX across VLANS and it might point you in the right direction at least, even though that’s not really what you’re doing.
I am having the same issue. I am using ufw with ubuntu 18.04 and can’t seem to get my Lifx bulbs to consistently show up in HA. If I turn off ufw they immediately show back up using the Lifx integration.
I have added: sudo ufw allow 56700/udp
and sudo ufw allow 56700/tcp
yet still the bulbs are not visible.
I have tried disabling my firewall, adding the bulbs and then re-enabling my firewall. This works for some time but eventually they become non functional again and I would like to find a permanent fix.
Any insights into this would be appreciated, thanks!
I had the same experience actually. It works for a day or so after re-enabling the firewall. I haven’t had a chance to put any more research into this, and left it to the side for the time being. If anyone has an idea of how to configure the ufw firewall for a permanent fix, that would be great.