I installed HAOS directly on an older Atom board that I had laying around.
Now I’m trying to get a Conbee II running with z2m
ATM I don’t know what FW is on the Conbee II and I have seen that there might be issues with z2m (depending on the FW version)
If the FW is to new, is it possible to go back to a working version?
I found the device under ‘System’ → ‘Hardware’ → /dev/ttyACM0
Used that as the port in z2m but doesn’t work.
Also added the following to (first without the port) configuration.yaml:
adapter: deconz
port: /dev/ttyACM0
No luck either: z2m fails to start
EDIT: this is the error I get
Error: Failed to connect to the adapter (Error: SRSP - SYS - ping after 6000ms)