Solved: HACS Not Working


I am having issues with HACS. I have multiple plugins and themes downloaded, but none seem to work.

My themes have been gone for a while. I was able to use a theme for a day or two but the background wasn’t showing from the resource. I then added a bunch of plugins to edit my UI, such as Custom Header, but I can’t get that to do anything either.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Okay. Silly me didn’t restart the instance after adding all those plugins. However I’m still unable to see all the themes I have installed.

Hacs only instals stuff. It doesn’t make, or stop, them working.

Did you include the themes directory as shown in the themes instructions?

I do have this.

what is in themes.yaml?

Nothing. After replying to you I decided to take it out since there’s nothing there. I now have them back. Either the config was causing the resource to not be opened, or it was getting confused cause themes.yaml didn’t exist.

Thanks for your help! I have the gradient that I wasn’t able to see in the background before now too.

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Mine not working also. What do you meant by need the theme setup?