[SOLVED] Help with a value_template if then statement

what am I doing wrong with the below ?

    value_template: >
      {%- if is_state("states.sensor.plex_vintnet_stats.attributes['andrew.vint']['full_title']", null }
      {%- else -%}
      {%- endif -%}

Copy and paste your template in Dev Tools/templates and you will see what you get.
BTW, your missing a ‘%’ on the end of the first line.
EDIT, and a closing bracket too.

figured out the following, however when I put it into the config.yaml I keep getting an error;

below is the script

     {% if states.sensor.plex_vintnet_stats.attributes['andrew.vint']['Activity'] is defined %}
 {% else %}
     {% endif %}

Below is how it appears in the config.yaml file

    value_template: >-
      {% if states.sensor.plex_vintnet_stats.attributes['andrew.vint']['Activity'] is defined %}
  {% else %}
      {% endif %}

Below is the error message when I run the Check Config

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while scanning for the next token
found character ‘\t’ that cannot start any token
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 649, column 1

This means you have tabs in your yaml.
Yaml should only intended with spaces.

  {% if states.sensor.plex_vintnet_stats.attributes['andrew.vint']['Activity'] is defined %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}

you were spot on @VDRainer … I spent hours on that at it was a simple as a tab

Thank you so much