i’ figured 3 persons entities with 3 trackers for each one. Now; Is it possible set a picture for each entities end use person.xxx as badge in lovelace UI?
thanks in advance
You can attempt to in the customize section and it may work. I haven’t tried it myself.
I was able to get this to work with the customize section:
entity_picture: /local/one.jpg
entity_picture: /local/two.jpg
entity_picture: /local/three.png
And building on @Weok 's comment, put the images as 192 x192 png in the config/www folder. (https://www.thedigitalpictureframe.com/control-your-digital-picture-frame-with-home-assistents-wifi-presence-detection-and-mqtt/)
Thanks at all, i"ll try today and let you know if it work. Thanks in advance
Perfect, it works!!!
Thanks at all
Hello. I have an installation of “Home Assistant” on Raspberry. Where is the “/ local” path? If it doesn’t exist, can I create it? Where is it?
www folder inside config is /local.
/config/www == /local
Thanks petro. It works
I already created a folder and uploaded a pic, followed the steps here but cant see my pic attributed to my profile… what should I do?
where’d you put the image, how did you call out the image in your config files?