My goal is to connect my Philips Hue bulbs to Home Assistant. I have Home Assistant HassOS 4.15 installed in a VM using Virtual Box. I am using Philips Hue gen 1 hub and light bulbs. My Nortek zwave/zigbee usb stick shows up in hardware for Home Assistant. I have ZHA integration added to configuration. Whenever I tried to add and search for device, nothing shows up. This is the error from the log:
[0x0000:zdo] ZDO request ZDOCmd.Mgmt_Permit_Joining_req: [60, <Bool.false: 0>]
I have tried the following commonly suggested ideas from past threads/posts - none working:
Reset Hue hub
Reset Hue hub + delete lights in Hue app
Delete each bulb in Hue app one by one + re-adding them
Manually add Hue bulbs by serial number in Hue app + deleting it
Home Assistant is not picking up either the bulbs or the Hue hub at all, no matter what I did. Can someone help me out?
Update: I deleted all lights in Hue app and unplugged my Hue hub completely to try to get the Nortek stick to pair. It still does not connect.