[SOLVED] TRÅDFRI remote control and deconz

Hello all,
I have a TRÅDFRI remote control (the 5 buttuns one) detected on deconz. In HA I see it as device, but I cannot understand hot to find it as entity in order to use it in some automations.

Could someone point me in the right direction?


Read here…


I am using a hue dimmer in node red that I connected to my Conbee. At first I couldn’t find the dimmer in the entities list, only the battery enitity. I added the “event all” node in node red to listen to all events from deconz.
Then I use a switch node to filter out the events from this specific dimmer switch.
And after that I can use the button presses for my automations.
In case you’re not using node-red, here is an example I found on how to create an automation. I guess you’re looking for the trigger part.

- alias: 'Turn On Bedroom from dimmer normal'
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: event
    event_type: deconz_event
      id: bedroom_switch
      event: 1002
    - service: light.turn_on
          - light.bedroom
        brightness_pct: 50

Hope it helps!

Thank you for the link, but could you more specific?

Thanks but I don’t use nodered yet

More specific… you need to click on the link and read the text which appears on your screen :wink: Seriously, it explains exactly what you’re asking.

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He even linked you directly to the section for remote controls and Marvin provided an example automation without nodered…

Ok, I’ve understood the RTFM part, but it does not help :frowning:

The Listen to events “works”

but I cannot debug why the toggle command does not work?!?

What toggle command? post your code

- alias: 'Accendi luci salotto'
  initial_state: 'off'
    platform: event
    event_type: deconz_event
      id: tradfri_remote_control
      event: 1002
    service: light.toggle
    entity_id: light.soggiorno

This seems to be your problem

what does it mean? I’ve wrote it as I expect the lights to be off at the beginning

That is not how it works, the initial state switches the automation on/off at start of HA, not your lights. And since you understand the RTFM part :wink: check this and this.
I would advice to not use toggle but assign light.turn_on and light_turn_off to two different buttons on your remote.


Thank you @sjee this was the only thing I’ve not seen is that the automation itself was off!! what a shame!!! :smiley:

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