I have an automation that is supposed to generate an alert whenever a sensor is below a certain value, but it never gets triggered even though that sensor is always below that value. The sensor is defined in configuration.yaml as follows:
- platform: command_line
name: "Test command"
unit_of_measurement: days
scan_interval: 120
command: "bash /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/scripts/mycommand.sh"
At present, the bash script contains only the following command:
echo 8
The badge for the sensor appears as expected on the Home page, and it shows the value of that sensor is 8. I configured the following in automation.yaml:
- alias: "Test Command Alert"
entity_id: sensor.test_command
platform: numeric_state
below: 10
message: "This is a test. Did it work?"
title: "Test Message"
service: persistent_notification.create
Since the value of the sensor is always below 10, I expect a persistent notification to appear every two minutes, but the only time one is generated is when I trigger the automation manually.
I’m wondering if that automation is edge triggered, i.e., that it is triggered only when there is a change in the value of the sensor, similar to the way in which an interrupt would be handled. Are automations static until other evens occur? Can they be scheduled to perform their tests similar to the way that sensors are scheduled to perform theirs?
Why is that automation never triggered? I’ll be grateful for any help with this.