I was doing fresh install of Hass.io and I decided to setup DuckDNS, so that I could properly setup Google Assistant.
I followed official DuckDNS guide on this site.
And I decided to change port to 2222, instead of original 8123, so I modified my configuration.yaml to following:
base_url: https://mydomain.duckdns.org:2222
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
Then I performed reboot and since then I am unable to access my HA anymore.
I tried probably every combination of URLs (hassio.local, 192.168.xxx.xxx, [mydomain].duckdns.org … with http or https and also I tried all combinations with port 2222 and 8123), but without success. What I did wrong pls and how to fix it?
I have no chance to check now, as I have no idea, how to access my HA, but I was following same guide, as you posted, so my config should be fine I guess.
I think, that my only problem is with port, which I had to setup also in http section of configuration.yaml with directive server_port: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/http/
But I have no idea, how to fix it Is there any way to modify configs if I have a chance to connect HA to HDMI with USB keyboard?
Non chance with HDMI just displays the logo.
Can’t you access it via smb or ssh?
Btw, what browser are you using? Sometimes there are some issues with ios devices (even with chrome in my case). You can try to acces it from outside of your network if your ports are forwarded correctly.
When I boot my HA with HDMI cable connected, I can get to hassio console, I do not see any logo.
I am using latest stable Chrome on Win10.
Port forwarding is definitely fine, I use it on multiple devices without issues.
I guess, that if there is any chance to change configuration.yaml via this hassio console, then I could fix it by adding server_port directive into it, otherwise I am afraid, that I will have to reinstall again (4th time already, I always screw up something, when configuring network or related stuff).
I cannot access it via ssh or samba - it is fresh install with only configurator and DuckDNS installed.
Ah ok, for the console last time i tried it i only saw the HA logo, must have been some changes then, shame on me
Just to be sure, try accessing it with firefox.
Going for samba / ssh as 1st addon is always a good choice for cases like this (helps with restoring snapshots too).
Hello, similar but different issue, after many failed attempts at using my duckdns domain I finally have success but with a small cost. I can no longer access hassio hassio:8123, hassiolocal:8123 or 192.168.xxx.xxx:8123 from my Android phone. The PCs work fine inside network, and i know the phone will access outside the network. I have tried http and https but it no longer connects, would be nice to have this functionality too please. Any help please?
Hi @iguana007, any chance you could explain in detail how did you solved the issue trought the console? As yourself when finished the configuration and rebooted HA it didn’t allow me connect back by neither the local internal URL nor the external from duckdns…