(Philip Z)
Is there a way to send messages to a “queue” that can be later picked up by a sequence to send out?
Use Case:
- I’m integration Assistant Relay
- I noticed there’s a relay limit, or recommended limit.
- I want to add a sequence that sends messages to a queue
- Then assistant relay sequence will pick that up, pay attention to the relay limits, and send the message out.
I’m extremely new to NodeRed. Still a lot to learn …
(Philip Z)
Never mind, I figured it out: I can send messages through MQTT!
For those that look for this:
- Use an mqtt output node - either set your topic there, or from the payload
- Use an mqtt input node to read the messages from the queue and process them.
Using this method, I can pull out all the messages and set rate limit before sending them off to Assistant Relay. 
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