Solved: Wink not showing up, configuration OK nothing in logs after restart

I’m running a new install of HA on a Ubuntu 16.04 system. I have a Hue hub as well as a wink hub. The hue hub showed up almost immediately in HA. I added my wink login data to configuration.yaml and when I tested the configuration it was “valid”. When I tried reloading the configuration nothing showed up other than Hue. I restarted the daemon with similar results. There is nothing in the log whatsoever. Perhaps I used the wrong procedure when I added the login data to configuration.yaml after the line “wink:” Alternatively there’s a problem with my credentials.

I have been using these credentials with a python program I wrote that implements the wink api via pywink. I killed that program before I tried adding wink to HA. I’m a bit concerned that I do not know a way to log out of wink with the python program so killing it may not be sufficient. At this point I don’t know what to try next. I’d definitely appreciate assistance

You should be seeing something in your logs, if not try setting your logging level to debug and restart.

What form of auth are you using? Username password or username password and oauth credentials? Did you sign up for a account?

I’m using a developer account from wink. based on your suggestion,I added this:

  default: debug 

to configuration.yaml the configuration checker says my changes were valid. Upon restart my home-assistant.log is still empty. I don’t see anything about wink when I log in to HA.

What do you have set under wink: in your config?

If you are using developer credentials from there shouldn’t be anything under the wink heading in your config. Then, when you start up HA you will get a configurator on the frontend.

Although… If you are overriding your default home page you might not see it. Are you doing that by chance?

As it turns out, I was changing the the wrong configuration.yaml. There were two one in ~/.homeassistant
and the other in /var/opt;/homeassistant. I was changing the first and HA was using the second. When I configured the correct folder all was well. So I deleted the folder in my home directory and created a symlink to the correct folder in it’s place

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