Some beginner questions

I am new to home assistant but not to home automation, i use openHab at the moment. THats why i have some questions about things i miss because maybe i do not see the info, hope you can help.

  • components -> how to you know what option the component delivers? On openHab there was a page with install intructions and a list what is available to manipulate or what infos the component delivers
  • Static Switches -> is it possible to a switches as button with own text or just as static Button so i can only turn something of, not on? For example my projector, i only want to switch it on, there should not be a way to direct switch it off because off ventilation
  • is there a way to disable icons for an item? I know that with customize i can add icons but if i do not it shows a default icon
  • i have 4 Danfoss Thermostats that have problems with the temp data i think, i have all showing 17 undefined and currently is empty, they are zwave devices, is that not supported now?
  • how can i add a color picker for my rgb module?
  • is there a way to show for example only Projektor with button to switch on and when clicking on the item show more info? Like energy consumtion now and over whole time? That all infos i get from my wall plug.
  • how can i add a switch or text item to fill it by script, restApi or something else?

I think i will come to more questions later but that is important for me to know at the moment


Let’s try…

  • components -> how to you know what option the component delivers? On openHab there was a page with install intructions and a list what is available to manipulate or what infos the component delivers.
    – You can see every component at . There ir an explanation of every option they offer.

  • Static Switches -> is it possible to a switches as button with own text or just as static Button so i can only turn something of, not on? For example my projector, i only want to switch it on, there should not be a way to direct switch it off because off ventilation
    – Look at

  • is there a way to disable icons for an item? I know that with customize i can add icons but if i do not it shows a default icon
    – If you just want to remove icon (not text), that’s not avaliable ATM. If want to hide that item, in customize you can set hidden: true and it will not show on the UI

  • i have 4 Danfoss Thermostats that have problems with the temp data i think, i have all showing 17 undefined and currently is empty, they are zwave devices, is that not supported now?
    – If it’s supported on OpenZWave, it’s supported on HA, as it takes its database from there

  • how can i add a color picker for my rgb module?
    – It depends on your RGB module branch/type. If it’s a zwave module, and if it advertises as a light with rgb, It’ll show on the UI with a colorpicker once it’s on.

  • is there a way to show for example only Projektor with button to switch on and when clicking on the item show more info? Like energy consumtion now and over whole time? That all infos i get from my wall plug.
    – Dinamic show/hide of items is not possible right now

  • how can i add a switch or text item to fill it by script, restApi or something else?
    – For now you can use a sensor, but it can only replace the text “at the right”, not for the item itself.

If you have more questions… :wink:

First thanks, i will check that later. But one thing is still open for me, the components options/available actions.

For example the Plex component, it shows onl the install instructions. Not what the component delivers or how i can check that it is playing/pause. Read what is playing, no options at all.

If you check for example Plex for openHab here you can see that there is a lot more info about that component and how to use it.

That is missing for me or i can not find that info. How do you know what and how the component is delivering?

Plex components shows your avaliable Plex Players that are on same network than HA (and from a few updates back, plex clients that are in other network too).
It shows as a card on the UI (look at the demo page), and from there you can play, pause, stop, see what is playing…
And from other side, if you want to use that for automations, you can. E.g. When plex pause, turn on a light.
I recommend take a look at the examples page.