I’m running the latest Home Assistant docker image on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and the latest Home Bridge docker. Both have the Ring integration installed and configured to work with a Ring base station that has 3 cameras and about 20 GE Z-Wave light switches. HA only imports the Ring cameras and doorbell which I think is just a current limitation, so I installed HB+Ring in the hopes of being able to use the switches that way. All of the light switches show up in the HA device list but only one has an entity created for it (and it works).
I’ve already tried various combinations of reinstalling the Ring integrations (on both HA and HB), reinstalling HA’s integration to HB, and restarting both softwares but get the same results.
Any suggestions on what I should tweak? Is it correct that HA’s Ring integration just can’t handle the switches/toggles?