Some tuya lights not available after upgrade to .103.5

After the upgrade to.103.5 six of my tuya lights are unavailable. Two are working. Before the upgrade all 8 were working. I’m using the smartlife app. The error message in the log is:

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved

8:35 PM components/tuya/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 8:35 PM and shows up 12 times.

The 2 working lights are a different brand from the 6 that aren’t. The non working lights are Tekin A19 E27 RGBW bulbl and the working ones are made by Peteme and are also A19 E26 bulbs but they are RGB.

I’m running in a VBox VM.

For whatever reason they are all working this morning. I don’t thin k that counts a solved but all seems well at this point.